Alyssa Garcia
graphic designer
+ photographer


Sound Light

Identity, Editorial, Print, Typography

Sound light is a Los Angeles guide book of small intimate music venues across the city with a capacity of less than 1,000.

As my love letter to Los Angeles, I’ve highlighted music venues I’ve enjoyed going to over the years. My inspiration for this project is marquee signage outside of venues which I wanted to encapsulate in the logo.

This is designed to highlight venues that are important to me because I want to share with everyone these places and encourage them to go to a concert and have their own experience with it themselves.

Throughout the guide, the marquee idea is a running design element as underlines and rules. The guide book has a DIY element in the spreads and cover so users are able to customize it however they desire, such as adding stickers to the cover or venue spread once you have visited a venue.

Continuing to play off the marquee idea these posters have the fun element of some letters made into other letters such as changing a “u” into an “n”.

© 2021–2024 Alyssa Garcia